About Us
Simplay Labs delivers high-definition performance solutions across the HD ecosystem, empowering HD creation, distribution, and utilization. The company develops HD performance standards, testing services, development tools, and technologies for manufacturers of CE and PC products. By partnering with Simplay Labs, manufacturers can reduce the time and cost to market, providing products that are distinguished by reliability and ease of operation while delivering the high-performance HD their customers demand.
Products bearing the Simplay HD™ mark have achieved verification from the world’s most rigorous and exacting HD testing discipline. In collaboration with leading consumer electronics manufacturers and technology providers, high performance and fully compatible products bearing the Simplay HD mark deliver optimal performance to consumers. Retailers and installers can recommend these products with confidence, with fewer returns and unmatched customer satisfaction.
Working closely with manufacturers, retailers, content providers, and custom electronics professionals, Simplay Labs is playing a key role in delivering high-performance, fully-compatible products to HD consumers. All these activities revolve around a single goal: to enable consumers’ passion for the HD lifestyle by ensuring simple setup and optimal performance.
Simplay Labs at a Glance
- Established: 2006
- Corporate Headquarters: One Analog Way, Wilmington, MA 01887
- Locations: Simplay Labs are located in the U.S. and Asia
- Company Goal: To make the HD lifestyle more rewarding for everyone: manufacturers, retailers, installers, and consumers.